Does anointing oil have power?

Does anointing oil have power?

The holy anointing oil and olive oil are still used among many Christians. Christians use the oil for several purposes, Kwa mfano, to putand consecrate someone into an office (ministry), sanctify houses, buildings, and objects, and to

Biblia inasema nini kuhusu upako

Biblia inasema nini kuhusu upako

There are a lot of doctrines about the anointing. Many of these doctrines are false doctrines that led many Christians astray and away from the truth. But what is the truth about the anointing? What does the anointing mean

Kuna upako wangapi

Kuna upako wangapi?

Over the past decades, many doctrines about various anointings have been preached all over the world. Suddenly, there was the daily anointing, the sevenfold anointing; the anointing of Yahweh, the anointing of the fear of the Lord, the anointing

Prisoner of circumstances

A prisoner of circumstances

Every person on this earth has to deal with circumstances and situations in life, which may be pleasant or not so pleasant. Since many Christians remain carnal and led by their flesh, their mood, hisia, and emotions depend upon

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa