La vie de prière secrète du croyant

La vie de prière secrète du croyant

Prayer is a big part of the life of every born again Christian, qui marche selon l'Esprit. That’s because born again Christians are aware of the importance of prayer and can’t live without prayer. They make time and

Importance of praying for fellow believers

L’importance de prier pour ses frères et sœurs croyants

The Bible shows us the importance of praying for fellow believers. In the New Testament, we read that Jesus and the apostles prayed for their fellow believers. Sometimes praying for fellow believers can be of vital importance. If Christians

Le pouvoir de la prière

Qu’est-ce que le pouvoir de la prière?

The power of prayer is often underestimated. À travers les années, prayer has become neglected in the lives of many Christians. Why prayer has become neglected? If something isn’t exciting and challenging enough, but boring, and dull, and when the

technical faith, mechanical faith

Une foi technique

The gospel of Jesus Christ has for a large part succumbed under the pressure of the world and has changed into one big entertainment industry. Many believers go to seminars, conférence, concerts, watch Christian (réseaux sociaux) channels and buy

Délivrance du pouvoir de la dépendance à l’alcool

Comment se libérer du pouvoir de l'alcool?

L’alcoolisme est un esprit destructeur qui contrôle de nombreuses vies. Beaucoup de gens, y compris les chrétiens, have an alcohol addiction and live in bondage to the power of alcohol. Cependant, no one wants to be labeled as an alcoholic. Therefore people deny

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