Comment les ténèbres éteignent la lumière

L'obscurité éteint la lumière

Dans 1 John 1:15 it is written that God is light and in Him is no darkness. The first thing, that God created, when the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the

Les pensées de Dieu sont-elles nos pensées

Les pensées de Dieu sont-elles nos pensées?

How many times do Christians quote Isaiah 55:8, to release themselves from their responsibilities as sons of God and to grow up and become like Jesus Christ and do His works? Many times they say: “We can never become

Pouvez-vous résister à la tentation

Pouvez-vous résister à la tentation?

Every person has to deal with temptations in life, but it’s all about whether you can resist the temptation or not. How do you resist the temptation? What does the Bible say about temptation? When you have become a

L'église occulte

L'église occulte

L’esprit du nouvel âge qui règne dans le monde d’aujourd’hui a affecté et souillé de nombreuses églises. Mais comment cela a-t-il pu arriver? Comment l’Église qui est assise en Jésus-Christ pourrait-elle; the Word and is appointed to represent and bring

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