Was David a man after God's own heart?

War David ein Mann nach Gottes eigenem Herzen??

David war ein Mann nach Gottes Herzen, is cited by many Christians to approve adultery (infidelity) and fornication of Christians, especially of preachers. The many other Scriptures in which God condemns the works of the flesh (Sünde) Sind…

Wenn Geld zu deinem Gott wird

Wenn Geld zu deinem Gott wird

Money is not evil, but the love for money is evil, is quoted by many Christians. It sounds so pious and of course it is true, because the Bible says in 1 Timotheus 6:10, that the love of money

Kingdom of God is not meat and drink Romans 14:7

The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink

Im Römerbrief 14, Paul addressed his words to the believers in Rome and confronted them with their behavior and mutual interaction regarding meat and drink. There were believers, who ate everything and believers, who only ate vegetables. Anstatt…

Können Menschen, die es den Menschen recht machen, Diener Christi sein?

Kann ein Menschenfreund ein Diener Christi sein??

The words of God are not always appreciated by people. In both the Old and the New Covenant, many people were not able to hear and bear the words of God, whereby prophets were killed, Jesus Christus, der Sohn…

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