Królestwo Boże to nie pokarm i picie Rzymian 14:7

Królestwo Boże to nie pokarm i napój

W Rzymianach 14, Paul addressed his words to the believers in Rome and confronted them with their behavior and mutual interaction regarding meat and drink. There were believers, who ate everything and believers, who only ate vegetables. Zamiast…

Sprowadź zagubionych do domu

Sprowadź zagubionych do domu!

Jesus did what a good shepherd ought to do. Jesus fed the sheep and strengthened them. He bound up the broken, healed the sick, sought the lost, and brought the lost home. Jesus commandment His disciples to follow His

Jesus in the midst of blind leaders

Jesus in the midst of blind leaders

Podczas Jezusa’ Życie na ziemi, Jesus walked in the midst of blind leaders. W Mateuszu 15:14, Jesus called the religious leaders of the house of Israel blind leaders of the blind. What did Jesus mean by blind leaders of

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