In the previous blog posts, you read about the new age in the church and how the church has become an occult church. Maybe after reading these blog posts, you wonder what the difference is between born again Christians and…
New age duh koji vlada u današnjem svijetu zahvatio je i oskvrnio mnoge crkve. Ali kako se ovo moglo dogoditi? Kako bi Crkva koja sjedi u Isusu Kristu; the Word and is appointed to represent and bring…
Today’s world is full of new age. It’s all about love, mir, sklad, sloboda, respect, and tolerance. There is an enormous curiosity and interest in the supernatural realm aka the occult. Horoscopes, astrologija, divination, tarot cards, using mirrors to…
As soon as you become a new creation in Jesus Christ and be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, the time of your opinion is over. When you become a son of God and…
Đavao dolazi kao anđeo svjetla i predstavlja se kao Isus. On je osigurao, da su mnogi kršćani stvorili lažnu sliku Isusa Krista koja ne odgovara Isusu iz Biblije. Ovaj lažni Isus…