

今、世界は新しい時代に満ちています. すべては愛についてです, 平和, 調和, 自由, 尊敬, と許容範囲. 超自然的な領域、別名オカルトには大きな好奇心と関心があります. 占い, 占星術, 占い, タロットカード, using mirrors to

Not my opinion but your opinion

Not my opinion, but Your opinion

As soon as you become a new creation in Jesus Christ and be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, the time of your opinion is over. When you become a son of God and

偽物イエスは偽のクリスチャンを生み出します, fake Jesus and fake Christians

How a counterfeit Jesus produces counterfeit Christians

The devil comes as an angel of light and presents himself as Jesus. He has ensured, that many Christians have created a false image of Jesus Christ that doesn’t correspond with the Jesus of the Bible. This counterfeit Jesus



There is no human being on this earth, who has never been disappointed. Disappointments occur regularly. Some people can become so disappointed, that it causes incomprehension, agitation, angriness, grief, bitterness and sometimes even hatred. But what causes disappointments? Because if



A church can experience unity in Christ until something happens that causes divisions in the church. Divisions in the church happen often. But what causes divisions in the church, who is responsible? And what do you do, when someone

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