Vyznávaš Ježiša pred ľuďmi alebo Ježiša popieraš

Vyznávaš Ježiša alebo zapieraš Ježiša pred ľuďmi?

Mnohí kresťania vyznávajú Ježiša Krista ako Pána, ale svojimi životmi a činmi, zapierajú Ježiša a namiesto toho slúžia diablovi. Vyznávaš Ježiša pred ľuďmi alebo Ježiša popieraš? Because you can say and confess all

Je Pán tvoj pastier

Je Pán tvoj pastier?

In Psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd, David described his relationship with God. The words of Psalm 23 should also describe the relationship between a Christian and God. Although many Christians know Psalm 23 by heart, for many

pevnosti v mysliach ľudí

The strongholds in the mind of people

The strongholds of the devil have one purpose and that is to prevent the Kingdom of God from being established on this earth. There are many spiritual strongholds, but the biggest strongholds of the devil are built in the

Bude na teba Boh hrdý

Bude na teba Boh hrdý?

One day we will all stand before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ (Ecc 12:14, Mat 3:11, Joh 5:22, ROM 2:15-16, ROM 14:10-12, 2Co 5:10). Nikto nevie, when that day will come, Ale jedna vec je istá:…

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený