who wants to be a blame bearer

Who wants to be a blame bearer?

Some people always have a tendency to blame others. As soon as you ask or confront them about a certain matter, they point the finger elsewhere. They are not the cause, but someone else is. Stary człowiek; the…

Umysł ma wybór

Umysł ma wybór

The behavior of people and their actions derive from the mind. Dlatego, the mind determines the behavior and actions of people. Before someone does something, a lot has already taken place in the mind. Biblia mówi, że…

Wyemancypowana Oblubienica Chrystusa

Wyzwolona Oblubienica Chrystusa

Every covenant of God is being attacked by the devil. His attacks are spiritual, but the result of his attacks will become visible in the natural realm. When you see chaos and destruction in areas, countries and in the

Pozostawanie w ręku Boga

Pozostawanie w ręku Boga

Środkowy mur oddzielający człowieka od Boga został zburzony przez Jezusa Chrystusa; przez Jego krew. Wszyscy, who believes in Jesus Christ and becomes born again in Him will be placed in Him and in the

Psoty ludzie sprowadzają na siebie

Psoty ludzie sprowadzają na siebie

Dzięki dokonanemu dziełu Jezusa Chrystusa, dano wam dostęp do Królestwa Bożego. Teraz, to od ciebie zależy, czy pozostaniesz w królestwie Bożym. If you refuse to listen to the words of God

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