Staying in the hand of God

Staying in the hand of God

The middle wall of partition between man and God has been broken down by Jesus Christ; par son sang. Tout le monde, who believes in Jesus Christ and becomes born again in Him will be placed in Him and in the

Les méfaits que les gens s'infligent

Les méfaits que les gens s'infligent

Through the accomplished work of Jesus Christ, you have been given access to the Kingdom of God. Maintenant, it’s up to you to stay in the kingdom of God. If you refuse to listen to the words of God

Le mal qui viendra sur la terre

Le mal qui viendra

Evil will come and if the Bride; the Body of Jesus Christ doesn’t repent and remove all the sins out of her midst; out of the lives of the believers, God shall not be able to protect her. Le…

La Bible dit sur la vie ensemble sans être mariés, cohabitation prénuptiale

Que dit la Bible sur la vie ensemble sans être mariés?

La cohabitation non mariée ou prénuptiale est devenue très courante dans le monde occidental. Ce qui a commencé en Scandinavie (L'Europe ) par de jeunes adultes non religieux, s’est répandue dans tous les pays occidentaux au cours des dernières décennies. Les jeunes incroyants ne voulaient pas…

La conviction du péché en trois dispensations

La conviction du péché dans les trois dispensations

God doesn’t want anyone to perish. That’s why God has given everything to the people to accomplish His will and save people from death. Cependant, every person has been given a free will to make his own choices in

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