The behavior of people and their actions derive from the mind. Stoga, the mind determines the behavior and actions of people. Before someone does something, a lot has already taken place in the mind. Biblija kaže, that the…
Svaki Božji savez je napadnut od đavla. Njegovi napadi su duhovni, ali rezultat njegovih napada postat će vidljiv u prirodnom carstvu. Kad vidite kaos i razaranje u područjima, countries and in the…
Srednji zid pregrade između čovjeka i Boga srušio je Isus Krist; Njegovom krvlju. Svatko, koji vjeruje u Isusa Krista i ponovno se rodi u Njemu, bit će postavljen u Njega i u…
Through the accomplished work of Jesus Christ, you have been given access to the Kingdom of God. Sada, it’s up to you to stay in the kingdom of God. If you refuse to listen to the words of God…
Evil will come and if the Bride; the Body of Jesus Christ doesn’t repent and remove all the sins out of her midst; out of the lives of the believers, God shall not be able to protect her. The…