Alkitab berkata tentang hidup bersama tanpa menikah, hidup bersama sebelum menikah

Apa yang Alkitab katakan tentang hidup bersama tanpa menikah?

Hidup bersama tanpa menikah atau hidup bersama pranikah telah menjadi sangat umum di dunia barat. Apa yang telah dimulai di Skandinavia (Eropa) oleh dewasa muda non-religius, telah menyebar ke seluruh negara Barat selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Young unbelievers didn’t want

The conviction of sin in three dispensations

The conviction of sin in the three dispensations

God doesn’t want anyone to perish. That’s why God has given everything to the people to accomplish His will and save people from death. Namun, every person has been given a free will to make his own choices in

Apa itu dosa?

Apa itu dosa?

Most people don’t like the word sin. They get the creeps and horrors when they hear the word sin, but what is sin according to the Bible? Many Christians connect sin to legalism, an obligation, a strict religious regime,…

Bahaya pijatan

Apa bahayanya pijat?

Industri spa dan kesehatan sedang booming. Terapi pijat telah menjadi sangat populer dan merupakan bagian dari kehidupan banyak orang, termasuk kehidupan orang Kristen. Banyak orang menghabiskan ratusan dolar untuk terapi pijat untuk relaksasi dan manfaat kesehatan,…

Toward whom does the church bend her roots?

Toward whom does the church bend her roots?

The church of Jesus Christ is placed upon the fertile soil of the Kingdom of God. This fertile soil has enough water and nutrition for the church to bear good fruit. The roots of the church should extract nutrition

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