Il male che verrà sulla terra

Il male che verrà

Evil will come and if the Bride; the Body of Jesus Christ doesn’t repent and remove all the sins out of her midst; out of the lives of the believers, God shall not be able to protect her. IL…

La Bibbia dice di vivere insieme senza essere sposati, convivenza prematrimoniale

Cosa dice la Bibbia sulla convivenza senza sposarsi??

Living together unmarried or premarital cohabitation has become very common in the western world. What has started in Scandinavia (Europa) by non-religious young adults, has spread all over the western countries during the past decades. Young unbelievers didn’t want

The conviction of sin in three dispensations

The conviction of sin in the three dispensations

God doesn’t want anyone to perish. That’s why God has given everything to the people to accomplish His will and save people from death. Tuttavia, every person has been given a free will to make his own choices in

Cos'è il peccato?

Cos'è il peccato?

Most people don’t like the word sin. They get the creeps and horrors when they hear the word sin, but what is sin according to the Bible? Many Christians connect sin to legalism, an obligation, a strict religious regime,…

Pericolo di massaggio

Qual è il pericolo del massaggio?

Il settore delle terme e del benessere è in forte espansione. La massoterapia è diventata molto popolare e fa parte della vita di molte persone, compresa la vita dei cristiani. Molte persone spendono centinaia di dollari in massoterapia per ottenere benefici rilassanti e per la salute,…

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