Para quem a igreja inclina suas raízes?

Para quem a igreja inclina suas raízes?

The church of Jesus Christ is placed upon the fertile soil of the Kingdom of God. This fertile soil has enough water and nutrition for the church to bear good fruit. The roots of the church should extract nutrition

The three dispensations in the Bible

Quais são as três dispensações da Bíblia?

Em toda a Bíblia, vemos a unidade entre Deus Pai (Jeová), a palavra; Jesus, e o Espírito Santo. No entanto, apesar de sua unidade e cooperação contínua, vemos uma distinção entre seus papéis na Bíblia. We can divide

Mateus 13:3-43 Parábola do semeador; Quatro tipos de crente

A parábola do semeador; Os Quatro Tipos de Crentes

The Kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual Kingdom. Because God’s people were not spiritual but carnal, Jesus used illustrations and examples from the natural realm and everyday life to reveal the Kingdom of God, provide spiritual insights, and teach

The battle and weakness of the old man Romans 7

A batalha e a fraqueza do velho

In Romans 7:14-26, Paul wrote to the saints in Rome about the battle and the weakness of the old man. Paul wrote about the old man, who is carnal and is ruled by his sinful nature and a slave

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