Mathayo 13:3-43 Mfano wa mpandaji; Aina nne za Waumini

The parable of the sower; the four kinds of believers

The Kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual Kingdom. Because God’s people were not spiritual but carnal, Jesus used illustrations and examples from the natural realm and everyday life to reveal the Kingdom of God, provide spiritual insights, and teach

Vita na udhaifu wa mzee Warumi 7

Vita na udhaifu wa mzee

In Romans 7:14-26, Paul wrote to the saints in Rome about the battle and the weakness of the old man. Paul wrote about the old man, who is carnal and is ruled by his sinful nature and a slave

Ukweli kuhusu Sheria ya Dhambi na Kifo

Ukweli wa ukweli juu ya sheria ya dhambi na kifo

Kutoka wakati huu, that man handed over his dominion over the earth, which had been given to man by God, to the devil through sin, the devil established his kingdom on earth. Kuanzia wakati huo na kuendelea, the devil and

The will of God vs will of the devil

Mapenzi ya Mungu dhidi ya mapenzi ya shetani

The promises of Jesus for the church are still valid for today. As long as the church remains in Him and obey His words and keep His commandments and walk in the will of the Father. But do Christians

Walikuwa David na Jonathan mashoga?

Walikuwa David na Jonathan mashoga?

David and Jonathan were friends; they were soul mates. Jonathan loved David as himself and David’s love for Jonathan was wonderful and passing the love of women. But does this mean, that David and Jonathan were gay and had

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa