The three dispensations in the Bible


整本圣经, we see the unity between God the Father (Jehovah), 这个单词; 耶稣, 和圣灵. 然而, despite their unity and continuous cooperation, we see a distinction between their roles in the Bible. We can divide

Why flesh and blood can't inherit the Kingdom of God 1 哥林多前书 15:50

Why flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God?

In the Bible in 1 哥林多前书 15:50-57, Paul wrote that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. 保罗这句话的意思是什么?? What does it mean that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God?…

马修 13:3-43 Parable of the sower; 四种信徒

The parable of the sower; the four kinds of believers

The Kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual Kingdom. Because God’s people were not spiritual but carnal, Jesus used illustrations and examples from the natural realm and everyday life to reveal the Kingdom of God, provide spiritual insights, and teach

老罗马人的战斗与弱点 7


在罗马书中 7:14-26, Paul wrote to the saints in Rome about the battle and the weakness of the old man. Paul wrote about the old man, who is carnal and is ruled by his sinful nature and a slave

The revealing truth about the Law of sin and death


From the moment, that man handed over his dominion over the earth, which had been given to man by God, to the devil through sin, the devil established his kingdom on earth. From that moment on, the devil and

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