The will of God vs will of the devil

上帝的意志 vs 魔鬼的意志

In previous blogposts, the promises, which Jesus has given to His church were discussed. Jesus promised that He would build His church on the testimony, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God and that the



David and Jonathan were friends; they were soul mates. Jonathan loved David as himself and David’s love for Jonathan was wonderful and passing the love of women. But does this mean, that David and Jonathan were gay and had



Jesus builds His church on the testimony, that He is the Christ, 永生神的兒子. As long as His church stays in Him, the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church. Jesus has given

天國的鑰匙,意思是馬太 16:18


On the testimony, that Jesus is the Christ, 永生神的兒子, Jesus builds His Church. As long as the Church of Christ stays in Him, the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church. In

馬修 16:18 地獄之門不能戰勝我教會的意義


在馬太福音中 16:18 Jesus not only promised, that He would build His church upon the testimony of Peter, which happened on the Day of Pentecost. But Jesus promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church.

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