Mateus 16:18 The gates of hell shall not prevail against My church meaning

The gates of hell shall not prevail against My church

Em Mateus 16:18 Jesus not only promised, that He would build His church upon the testimony of Peter, which happened on the Day of Pentecost. But Jesus promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church.

Sobre que fundamento a igreja é construída?

Sobre que fundamento a igreja é construída??

Jesus is the Head of His body; a Igreja (assembly of believers). In the Bible in Matthew 16, Jesus gave the promise and the blueprint of His church to His disciples. Jesus made it clear, on what foundation His

Você pode ser cúmplice do pecado de outros crentes?

Você pode ser cúmplice do pecado de outros crentes?

Can you be complicit in the sin of fellow believers according to the Bible or not? When you accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, arrepender-se, and become born again, you have been redeemed from your sinful nature and

Toda cultura desaparece em Cristo

Toda cultura desaparece em Cristo

Quando você acredita em Jesus Cristo, arrepender-se, and become born again, which means that you have died in Jesus Christ, and your spirit has been risen from the dead, pelo poder do Espírito Santo, there shall be

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