Vad betyder bindning och att förlora?

Vad menade Jesus med att binda och lossa?

Jesus builds His church on the testimony, that He is the Christ, den levande Gudens Son. As long as His church stays in Him, the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church. Jesus has given

Himmelrikets nycklar, det vill säga Matteus 16:18

Vad menade Jesus med himmelrikets nycklar?

On the testimony, that Jesus is the Christ, den levande Gudens Son, Jesus builds His Church. As long as the Church of Christ stays in Him, the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church. I…

Matthew 16:18 Helvetets portar skall inte få makt över Min kyrkas mening

Helvetets portar skall inte få makt över Min kyrka

I Matteus 16:18 Jesus not only promised, that He would build His church upon the testimony of Peter, which happened on the Day of Pentecost. But Jesus promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church.

På vilken grund är kyrkan byggd?

På vilken grund är kyrkan byggd??

Jesus is the Head of His body; Kyrkan (assembly of believers). In the Bible in Matthew 16, Jesus gave the promise and the blueprint of His church to His disciples. Jesus made it clear, on what foundation His

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