Apakah kamu mengasihi Tuhan dengan segenap hatimu??

Apakah kamu mengasihi Tuhan dengan segenap hatimu??

Your faith and the way you walk depend on your love for God. Jesus says that the first and therefore the most important commandment is, to love the Lord your God, dengan sepenuh hatimu, jiwa, pikiran, dan kekuatan…

What's the purpose of every believer

Apa tujuan setiap orang percaya?

Jesus is the Living Word, Who was made flesh and walked on the earth (Yohanes 1:14). Jesus was the Firstborn of the new creation (new man). Through Jesusredemptive work on the cross, Jesus took once and for all

Kuasa iblis didukung oleh dosa

Kuasa iblis didukung oleh dosa

The power of the devil is sin. Sin is the devil’s matrix. The power of the devil is powered by the sin of people. When people sin (including people, who say they are born again Christians), they serve the

How to guard your mind

Mengapa Anda harus menjaga pikiran Anda?

As a born again Christian, it’s not only important to renew your mind with the Word of God, but you should also guard your mind. Guarding your mind is essential, because when you renew your mind but don’t guard

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