Jesus is the Head of His body; la Chiesa (assembly of believers). In the Bible in Matthew 16, Jesus gave the promise and the blueprint of His church to His disciples. Jesus made it clear, on what foundation His…
Although all unrighteousness is sin, in the Bible in 1 John 5:16-17, John spoke about two kinds of sins, namely a sin unto death and sin not unto death. But what did John mean by that? What is the…
Viviamo in un'epoca in cui il peccato è tollerato e accettato in molte chiese. There are many people, che si definiscono cristiani e vanno in chiesa mentre vivono nel peccato. A causa della mancanza di conoscenza spirituale…
Quando credi in Gesù Cristo, pentirsi, and become born again, which means that you have died in Jesus Christ, and your spirit has been risen from the dead, per la potenza dello Spirito Santo, there shall be…
In the Book of Romans, Paul wrote about God giving them over to a reprobate mind. Who was God giving over to a reprobate mind? What will happen when God turns you over to a reprobate mind? Cosa sono…