Môžete sa podieľať na hriechu spoluveriacich

Môžete sa podieľať na hriechu spoluveriacich?

We live in a time that sin is tolerated and accepted in many churches. Je tam veľa ľudí, who call themselves Christians and go to a church while they live in sin. Due to a lack of spiritual knowledge

Každá kultúra mizne v Kristovi

Každá kultúra mizne v Kristovi

Keď veríš v Ježiša Krista, činiť pokánie, and become born again, which means that you have died in Jesus Christ, and your spirit has been risen from the dead, mocou Ducha Svätého, there shall be

Miluješ Boha celým svojím srdcom?

Miluješ Boha celým svojím srdcom?

Your faith and the way you walk depend on your love for God. Jesus says that the first and therefore the most important commandment is, to love the Lord your God, z celého srdca, duša, myseľ, a silu…

Aký je účel každého veriaceho

Čo je cieľom každého veriaceho?

Jesus is the Living Word, Who was made flesh and walked on the earth (John 1:14). Ježiš bol Prvorodený nového stvorenia (Nový muž). Through Jesusredemptive work on the cross, Jesus took once and for all

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený