Kila utamaduni unatoweka ndani ya Kristo

Kila utamaduni unatoweka ndani ya Kristo

Unapomwamini Yesu Kristo, tubu, and become born again, which means that you have died in Jesus Christ, and your spirit has been risen from the dead, kwa nguvu ya Roho Mtakatifu, there shall be

Je, unampenda Mungu kwa moyo wako wote?

Je, unampenda Mungu kwa moyo wako wote?

Your faith and the way you walk depend on your love for God. Jesus says that the first and therefore the most important commandment is, to love the Lord your God, with all your heart, nafsi, akili, na nguvu…

Kusudi la kila mwamini ni lipi

Kusudi la kila mwamini ni lipi?

Yesu Ni Neno Hai, Who was made flesh and walked on the earth (Yohana 1:14). Yesu alikuwa mzaliwa wa kwanza wa uumbaji mpya (mtu mpya). Through Jesusredemptive work on the cross, Jesus took once and for all

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa