Om Jesus te volg sal jou alles kos

Om Jesus te volg sal jou alles kos

The more you deny yourself and give up things in your life because of Jesus Christ, and the more you live according to what the Word; Jesus sê, the more you will be persecuted by the world and by

Wat is die geestelike gevaar van vechtkunsten

Wat is die gevaar van gevegskuns?

Baie mense, Christene ingesluit, oefen vechtkunsten sonder om die gevaar van vechtkunsten te ken. Hulle beoefen vechtkunsten om verskillende redes, soos gesondheidsvoordele, fisiese oefening, selfverdediging, Selfvertroue, Selfdissipline, selfbeheersing, Selfbeeld, gedragsprobleme, polisie- en militêre doeleindes, geestelike ontwikkeling,…

Wanneer Jesus kom, sal Hy geloof op aarde vind?

Deur die jare, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the faith have slowly been adjusted. Many false doctrines have entered the church and the lives of Christians. Because of that many Christians can’t endure sound doctrine. Many preachers are

Is jy 'n slaaf van die verlede

Is jy 'n slaaf van die verlede?

The old man always wants to go back to the past and is not able to let go of the past. Baie mense, Christene ingesluit, live with a lot of pain, hurt, sadness, Kwaad, and hate, that is caused

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