The power of the devil is powered by sin

The power of the devil is powered by sin

The power of the devil is sin. Sin is the devil’s matrix. The power of the devil is powered by the sin of people. When people sin (including people, who say they are born again Christians), they serve the

How to guard your mind

Why do you have to guard your mind?

As a born again Christian, it’s not only important to renew your mind with the Word of God, but you should also guard your mind. Guarding your mind is essential, because when you renew your mind but don’t guard

Å følge Jesus vil koste deg alt

Å følge Jesus vil koste deg alt

The more you deny yourself and give up things in your life because of Jesus Christ, and the more you live according to what the Word; sier Jesus, the more you will be persecuted by the world and by

life isn't about finding your self, but finding Jesus

Life is not about finding yourself, but finding Jesus

We live in a self-centered world, where everything revolves around man. Many people are unhappy, despite all the prosperity and wealth. They don’t know who they really are and feel empty inside. And so they are searching for the

Hva er den åndelige faren ved kampsport

Hva er faren med kampsport?

Mange folk, inkludert kristne, trene kampsport uten å vite faren ved kampsport. De trener kampsport av ulike grunner, som helsefordeler, fysisk trening, selvforsvar, selvtillit, selvdisiplin, selvkontroll, selvtillit, atferdsproblemer, politi og militære formål, åndelig utvikling,…

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