

The more you deny yourself and give up things in your life because of Jesus Christ, and the more you live according to what the Word; 耶稣说, the more you will be persecuted by the world and by

life isn't about finding your self, 但找到耶稣

生活不是为了寻找自己, 但找到耶稣

我们生活在一个以自我为中心的世界, 一切都围绕着人. 很多人不高兴, 尽管所有的繁荣和财富. 他们不知道自己到底是谁,内心感到空虚. And so they are searching for the



很多人, 包括基督徒, 在不了解武术危险性的情况下练习武术. 他们出于各种原因练习武术, 喜欢健康福利, 体育锻炼, 自卫, 自信, 自律, 克己, 自尊, 行为问题, 警察和军事目的, 精神发展,…

当耶稣来的时候, will He find faith on earth?

多年来, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the faith have slowly been adjusted. Many false doctrines have entered the church and the lives of Christians. Because of that many Christians can’t endure sound doctrine. Many preachers are



The old man always wants to go back to the past and is not able to let go of the past. 很多人, 包括基督徒, live with a lot of pain, 伤害, 悲伤, 生气, and hate, that is caused

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