We live in a self-centered world, where everything revolves around man. Many people are unhappy, despite all the prosperity and wealth. They don’t know who they really are and feel empty inside. And so they are searching for the…
Puno ljudi, uključujući kršćane, baviti se borilačkim vještinama bez poznavanja opasnosti borilačkih vještina. Oni se bave borilačkim vještinama iz raznih razloga, poput zdravstvenih dobrobiti, psihička vježba, samoobrana, samopouzdanje, samodisciplina, Samo kontrola, samopoštovanje, problemi u ponašanju, policijske i vojne svrhe, duhovni razvoj,…
Kroz godine, evanđelje Isusa Krista i vjera polako su se prilagođavali. Mnoge lažne doktrine ušle su u crkvu i živote kršćana. Zbog toga mnogi kršćani ne mogu podnijeti zdravu doktrinu. Many preachers are…
The old man always wants to go back to the past and is not able to let go of the past. Puno ljudi, uključujući kršćane, live with a lot of pain, hurt, sadness, bijes, and hate, that is caused…
What did Jesus say in the Bible about children? Jesus is very clear about His will regarding children. rekao je Isus, let the children come to Me and do not forbid them. But how often do parents, caretakers, churches, congregations, itd.…