Let the children come to Me do not forbid them

Let the children come to Me and do not forbid them!

What did Jesus say in the Bible about children? Jesus is very clear about His will regarding children. rekao je Isus, let the children come to Me and do not forbid them. But how often do parents, caretakers, churches, congregations, itd.…

opasnost od Noći vještica

Koja je opasnost od Noći vještica?

Mnogi ljudi slave Noć vještica u listopadu 31, jer je Noć vještica dio njihove kulture. Sudjeluju u aktivnostima za Noć vještica i ukrašavaju svoje domove ukrasima za Noć vještica. Djeca oblače kostime i idu na maškarstvo. Ali što je Noć vještica? Jer…

Je li Isus bio potpuno Čovjek, Isus Čovječanstvo

Je li Isus bio potpuno Čovjek?

Je li Isus bio potpuno Čovjek? Postoje ljudi, koji kažu, that the blood of Jesus was divine because the blood derived from His Father. Therefore Jesus was holy and righteous and wasn’t affected by sin. Some even doubt Jesushumanity. Oni…

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