nebezpečenstvo Halloweenu

Aké je nebezpečenstvo Halloweenu?

Mnoho ľudí oslavuje Halloween v októbri 31, pretože Halloween je súčasťou ich kultúry. Zapájajú sa do halloweenskych aktivít a svoje domovy si zdobia halloweenskou výzdobou. Deti si oblečú kostýmy a začnú maškrtiť. Ale čo je Halloween? Pretože…

Bol Ježiš plne človekom, Jesus Humanity

Bol Ježiš plne človekom?

Bol Ježiš plne človekom? Tam sú ľudia, who say, that the blood of Jesus was divine because the blood derived from His Father. Therefore Jesus was holy and righteous and wasn’t affected by sin. Some even doubt Jesushumanity. Oni…

Rebuke a sinning elder

Why Timothy had to rebuke a sinning elder before all?

In 1 Timotej 5:20, Paul wrote about a sinning elder and what Timothy had to do. Paul instructed Timothy to not receive an accusation against an elder unless the accusation was based upon two or three witnesses. Keď…

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