当耶稣来的时候, will He find faith on earth?

多年来, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the faith have slowly been adjusted. Many false doctrines have entered the church and the lives of Christians. Because of that many Christians can’t endure sound doctrine. Many preachers are



The old man always wants to go back to the past and is not able to let go of the past. 很多人, 包括基督徒, live with a lot of pain, 伤害, 悲伤, 生气, and hate, that is caused

Let the children come to Me do not forbid them

Let the children come to Me and do not forbid them!

What did Jesus say in the Bible about children? Jesus is very clear about His will regarding children. 耶稣说, let the children come to Me and do not forbid them. But how often do parents, caretakers, churches, congregations, ETC。…



许多人在十月庆祝万圣节 31, 因为万圣节是他们文化的一部分. 他们参加万圣节活动,并用万圣节装饰品装饰他们的家. 孩子们穿上戏服,去捣蛋. 但什么是万圣节? 因为…

耶稣是完全的人吗, Jesus Humanity


耶稣是完全的人吗? 那儿有人, who say, that the blood of Jesus was divine because the blood derived from His Father. Therefore Jesus was holy and righteous and wasn’t affected by sin. Some even doubt Jesushumanity. 他们…

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