Fare for barnebøker

Hva er faren med barnebøker?

Har barnebøker virkelig en så positiv innflytelse på utviklingen og livet til et barn, som hevdet? Mange anser barnebøker som ufarlige, gunstig, og lærerikt, men er det sant? dessverre, denne regelen gjelder ikke for alle barn…

God wrote His law on tables of stone heart of flesh

Why did God write His law on tables of stone?

50 Days after Passover (Pesach, Pascha), God made His will known to His people, via Moses. God wrote His law with His finger on two tables of stone. But why did God write His law on stone? Why did

Bible say about once saved always saved biblical

Er en gang frelst alltid frelst bibelsk?

Many Christians believe in the doctrine of once saved always saved. Dette betyr, that once a person repents and turns to Jesus Christ, the person is saved for the rest of his life. It doesn’t matter how you live,…

omskjæring i Jesus Kristus

Hva betyr omskjærelsen i Jesus Kristus?

The circumcision represents the covenant between God and His people. In the Old Covenant, every male child, who belonged to God’s people, was circumcised on the eighth day in the foreskin of his flesh. When the Old Covenant was

one way to eternal life

Is there only one way to eternal life?

Is there only one way to eternal life or are there more ways to eternal life? To answer this question, we must look at what the Bible says about salvation and what the Bible says about the way to

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