The sacrificial laws, that God gave to His people, were part of the Old Covenant. The sacrifices and the blood of animals were meant (okrem iného) for the atonement of sins and the cleansing and purification of God’s people.…
In 1 Timotej 5:20, Paul wrote about a sinning elder and what Timothy had to do. Paul instructed Timothy to not receive an accusation against an elder unless the accusation was based upon two or three witnesses. Keď…
In the letters to Timothy, Paul gave clear instructions about the structure and behavior of the church. In 1 Timotej 5:22, Paul instructed Timothy to lay hands suddenly on no man. But what did Paul mean by lay hands…
Majú detské knihy skutočne taký pozitívny vplyv na vývoj a život dieťaťa, ako sa tvrdí? Mnoho ľudí považuje detské knihy za neškodné, prospešné, a vzdelávacie, ale je to pravda? Bohužiaľ, toto pravidlo neplatí pre všetky deti…
50 Dni po Pesachu (Pesach, Pascha), Boh dal svoju vôľu poznať svojmu ľudu, via Moses. God wrote His law with His finger on two tables of stone. But why did God write His law on stone? Why did…