

許多人在十月慶祝萬聖節 31, 因為萬聖節是他們文化的一部分. 他們參加萬聖節活動,用萬聖節裝飾品裝飾自己的家. 孩子們穿上戲服,去玩“搗蛋遊戲”. 但什麼是萬聖節? 因為…

Was Jesus fully Human, Jesus Humanity

Was Jesus fully Human?

Was Jesus fully Human? 還有人, who say, that the blood of Jesus was divine because the blood derived from His Father. Therefore Jesus was holy and righteous and wasn’t affected by sin. Some even doubt Jesushumanity. 他們…



祭祀律法, that God gave to His people, were part of the Old Covenant. The sacrifices and the blood of animals were meant (除其他外) for the atonement of sins and the cleansing and purification of God’s people.

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