Bible say about once saved always saved biblical

Is een keer gered altyd gered Bybels?

Baie Christene glo in die leerstelling van eenmaal gered altyd gered. Dit beteken, dat iemand hom eenmaal bekeer en hom tot Jesus Christus bekeer, die persoon word vir die res van sy lewe gered. Dit maak nie saak hoe jy leef nie,…

besnydenis in Jesus Christus

Wat beteken die besnydenis in Jesus Christus?

The circumcision represents the covenant between God and His people. In die Ou Verbond, every male child, wat aan God se volk behoort het, was circumcised on the eighth day in the foreskin of his flesh. When the Old Covenant was

Een weg na die ewige lewe

Is daar net een weg na die ewige lewe??

Is there only one way to eternal life or are there more ways to eternal life? To answer this question, we must look at what the Bible says about salvation and what the Bible says about the way to

famous preacher

Could this famous preacher be Jesus in our time?

What would Jesus be like in our time? Dink, you hear, that a famous preacher is coming to your church. You have heard, and read much about this famous preacher, and about all the signs and wonders, that follow

wag op die Here, wag op God se belofte, Psalm 27

Wag op die Here

We live in a microwave society. People are always in a hurry, living a rushed life, and can hardly wait anymore. They want to get things done as quickly as possible, instead of waiting and being patient, because ‘time

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