jedna droga do życia wiecznego

Czy jest tylko jedna droga do życia wiecznego??

Is there only one way to eternal life or are there more ways to eternal life? Aby odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, we must look at what the Bible says about salvation and what the Bible says about the way to

Czekaj na Pana, czekając na Bożą obietnicę, Psalm 27

Czekaj na Pana

We live in a microwave society. People are always in a hurry, living a rushed life, and can hardly wait anymore. They want to get things done as quickly as possible, instead of waiting and being patient, because ‘time

Pasterze prowadzący owce w otchłań

Wielu pastorów prowadzi owce w otchłań

Once I saw a movie, where a person took responsibility for someone else’s flock. The person took the sheep and went to a beautiful green piece of land, near the abyss. While the sheep were pastured, the person was

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