famous preacher

Could this famous preacher be Jesus in our time?

What would Jesus be like in our time? Imaginar, you hear, that a famous preacher is coming to your church. You have heard, and read much about this famous preacher, and about all the signs and wonders, that follow

espere no Senhor, esperando pela promessa de Deus, Salmo 27

Espere no Senhor

We live in a microwave society. People are always in a hurry, living a rushed life, and can hardly wait anymore. They want to get things done as quickly as possible, instead of waiting and being patient, because ‘time

Pastores conduzindo as ovelhas para o abismo

Muitos pastores conduzem as ovelhas ao abismo

Algum tempo atrás, I saw a movie, where a person took responsibility for someone else’s flock. A pessoa pegou a ovelha e foi até um lindo terreno verde, perto do abismo. Enquanto as ovelhas pastavam, o…

A recompensa da vida

A recompensa da vida

O trabalho dos justos tende à vida: o fruto do ímpio para o pecado (Provérbios 10:16) Toda pessoa, que viveu nesta terra, shall one day stand before the throne of the Almighty God. Naquele momento…

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