Hoe om valse profete te herken

Hoe herken jy valse profete in ons tyd?

Daar is baie Christene, wat hulleself profete noem en hulleself as profeet in die amp aangestel het. Egter, nie al hierdie profete is deur God aangestel nie. Nie almal van hulle is ware profete nie, who listen to God and

Waarheen sal jou mond jou lei?

Waarheen sal jou mond jou lei?? Spreuke 10:13-14

Wat is die betekenis van Spreuke 10:13-14, In the lips of him that has understanding wisdom is found: maar 'n staf is vir die agterkant van hom wat nietig is van begrip. Wyse manne lê kennis op: but the

Waarom dit nodig is om u gedagtes te vernuwe

Waarom dit nodig is om u gedagtes te vernuwe?

Wanneer jy wedergebore word, you become a new creation. Although you have become a new creation in the spiritual realm, your mind is unchanged and is still carnal and worldly. Your mind still thinks, speaks, and acts according to the

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