the reward of life

The reward of life

The labour of the righteous tends to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin (Притчи 10:16) Every person, who has lived on this earth, shall one day stand before the throne of the Almighty God. At that moment

image heron on rocks looking at ocean with blog title how to recognize false prophets

How do you recognize false prophets in our time?

There are many Christians, who call themselves prophets and are appointed in the office of prophet. Обаче, not all of these prophets are appointed by God. Not all of them are true prophets, who listen to God and speak

Where will your mouth lead you to

Where will your mouth lead you to? Притчи 10:13-14

Какво е значението на Притчи 10:13-14, In the lips of him that has understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding. Wise men lay up knowledge: but the

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