

基督徒很多, who call themselves prophets and have appointed themselves in the office as prophet. 然而, not all of these prophets are appointed by God. Not all of them are true prophets, who listen to God and

Why was David not allowed to build the temple?


為什麼大衛王不被允許為主建造聖殿? 為什麼上帝要薩羅莫而不是大衛建造聖殿? 大衛王是一個合神心意的人, 他不是嗎? Therefore you would think

Where will your mouth lead you to

Where will your mouth lead you to? 箴言 10:13-14

What is the meaning of Proverbs 10:13-14, In the lips of him that has understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding. Wise men lay up knowledge: but the

Why renewing your mind is necessary

Why renewing your mind is necessary?

When you become born again, you become a new creation. Although you have become a new creation in the spiritual realm, your mind is unchanged and is still carnal and worldly. Your mind still thinks, speaks, and acts according to the

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