नफरत झगड़े भड़काती है

कहावत का खेल 10:12 – नफरत झगड़े भड़काती है, परन्तु प्रेम सब पापों को ढांप देता है

In the Bible in Proverbs 10:12, यह लिखा है, नफरत झगड़े भड़काती है, परन्तु प्रेम सब पापों को ढांप देता है. What does Proverbs 10:12 mean? Hate is a work of the flesh and love is a fruit of the Spirit The

Did you know-why Uzza died 1 Chronicles 13:9-10

Did you know the reason why Uzza died?

Did you know why Uzza died? It seemed that Uzza only had good intentions and wanted to prevent the ark of God from falling? Uzza touched the ark and died. What did Uzza do wrong? Why did God kill

गलती: यह सामग्री सुरक्षित है