What does it mean to deliver a person unto satan 1 โครินเธียนส์ 5:4-5

What does it mean to deliver a person unto satan?

Paul wrote twice about ‘deliver a person unto satan’, namely in 1 โครินเธียนส์ 5:4-5 and in 1 ทิโมธี 1:20. But what did Paul mean when he said to deliver a person unto satan? To understand, what it means to

image city with text word of wisdom walking in integrity with moral character Proverbs 10:9

สุภาษิต 10:9 – Walk in integrity with moral character

ความหมายของสุภาษิตคืออะไร 10:9, He that walks uprightly (in integrity and with moral character) walks surely: but he that perverts his ways shall be known? Walking in integrity with moral character He that walks uprightly (in

wise in heart

The wise in heart

The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall (สุภาษิต 10:8) A person, who is wise in heart, will receive commandments and is able to submit himself/herself to authorities; ผู้ปกครอง, school, elders, work, church, ที่…

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