Is masturbation a sin in the Bible can christian masturbate


Can a Christian masturbate? This is one of the many questions Christians have regarding things in life that are normal to the world but questionable to Christians. Masturbation is considered normal in the world, but what does the Bible

wise in heart

The wise in heart

The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall (ことわざ 10:8) A person, who is wise in heart, will receive commandments and is able to submit himself/herself to authorities; parents, school, elders, work, church, ザ…

What does Bible say about sin in the church?

What does the Bible say about sin in the church

It only takes one person to make a difference or a change, both positive or negative. This also applies to the Church; the Body of Christ, that represents the Kingdom of God on earth. A person can add value

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