Пам'ять про справедливих, Моральні якості

Прислів'я 10:6-7 – The memory of the just

Що означає книга Прислів'я 10:6-7, Blessings are upon the head of the just, Але насильство закриває уста нечестивих. The memory of the just is blessed, but the name of the wicked shall rot. Violence

sleeping during harvest

Why many Christians are sleeping during harvest?

We live in a time, where many Christians are spiritually asleep and are busy with things that have nothing to do with the Kingdom of God and have no eternal value. Many Christians are sleeping during harvest when they

Що означає долина Ахор, що означає двері надії

Що означає долина Ахор?

Most Christians have heard or sung about the valley of Achor being a door of hope. But do they know what happened in the valley of Achor and the reason why the valley of Achor is a door of hope?…

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