sleeping during harvest

Why many Christians are sleeping during harvest?

我们生活在一个时代, where many Christians are spiritually asleep and are busy with things that have nothing to do with the Kingdom of God and have no eternal value. Many Christians are sleeping during harvest when they



什么是色跑? 色彩跑是一场油漆竞赛, 成立于 2012 并取得了世界范围的成功. 每年, 色彩跑在世界各地的各大城市举办. 什么…

What is the meaning of valley of Achor meaning door of hope


大多数基督徒都听说过或歌颂亚科尔山谷是希望之门. 但是他们是否知道在亚科尔山谷发生了什么,以及为什么亚科尔山谷是希望之门的原因?…

the soul of the righteous shall not hunger

Why the soul of the righteous shall not hunger

In the Bible in Proverbs 10:3, we read that the Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish. What does it mean that the soul of the righteous shall not hungerThe soul of the righteous

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