image bible avec titre de blog Quel est le but de la Bible?

Quel est le but de la Bible?

Only born-again Christians are able to understand the Bible and the spiritual things of the Kingdom of God. As a born-again believer, you need the words of God every day. The words in the Bible are your daily bread

image bible avec titre de blog à qui la Bible est-elle destinée

À qui la Bible est-elle destinée?

Many people doubt the authenticity of the Bible (la Parole de Dieu) and say that the Bible contradicts Itself. Many people find the Bible hard to understand or they find the Bible boring to read. There are even Christians,…

image church and title article how the world church is being prepared for the antichrist

Comment l’Église mondiale se prépare à l’antichrist

Over the years many doctrines of devils have slowly entered the church. Because of that many churches are seated in darkness. How could this have happened? But most importantly, why did this happen? Has this something to do with

Seduced by foolishness

A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knows nothing. For she sits at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city, To call passengers who go right on their ways: Whoso is

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