Igreja sentada na escuridão

The church seated in darkness

It was on a Sunday, that I went to a large famous church. I entered the church, but the lights were not turned on. Everywhere I looked it was dark. I walked to the front of the church and sat

Deus tem um plano para sua vida

Do you know that God has a plan for your life? Before you were born, you were already known by God. He knew exactly what His plan for your life would be. God has a plan for everyone’s life. Take

Qual é o perigo da cura Reiki

Qual é o perigo do Reiki?

Muitas pessoas sofrem de doenças físicas ou mentais e procuram cura. Muitas vezes, eles olham nos lugares errados. Um desses lugares é uma prática de Reiki. Muitas pessoas, incluindo cristãos, go to a Reiki therapist and are

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