Mino ny fitsanganan’i Jesosy tamin’ny maty ve ny Kristianina

Mino ny fitsanganan’i Jesosy tamin’ny maty ve ny Kristianina?

Every year, Christians celebrate the Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ. But although Christians celebrate and confess the resurrection of Jesus, do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead or do they only celebrate the resurrection of

3Notafihin'i Salomona, Etama-Sobà, ka azony.

Ny olom-baovao no lalàna ho an'ny tenany

Ny olon-drehetra, who is born again in Christ has become a new creation and has God’s nature. The will of God, which was hidden for the old creation, but was revealed by the law of Moses, is written upon the

Adam where are you

Adam where are you?

From the beginning of creation, God wanted to have a relationship with man and walk with man. God was faithful to man. na izany aza, man became unfaithful to God and decided to disobey His command and leave his way with

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