Onendlebe makezwe lokho akushoyo uMoya emabandleni

Onendlebe makezwe lokho akushoyo uMoya emabandleni

In the second and third chapters of the Book of Revelation, Jesus spoke to John about the seven churches in Asia and their works. While the messages to the churches differed from each other, there was one thing Jesus

The breath of God that returned into man

The breath of God that returned into man

When God had formed man of the dust of the ground, God breathed His breath of life in the nostrils of man, whereby man came to life and became a living soul. Man lived in communion with God until

Isho ukuthini impilo yokuvuka kuKristu

Isho ukuthini impilo yokuvuka kuKristu?

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was proof that God accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His precious blood and the redemptive work for fallen humanity was finished on earth. But what does the resurrection of Jesus

Do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus

Do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

Njalo ngonyaka, Christians celebrate the Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ. But although Christians celebrate and confess the resurrection of Jesus, do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead or do they only celebrate the resurrection of

Umuntu omusha ungumthetho kuye

Umuntu omusha ungumthetho kuye

Wonke umuntu, ozelwe kabusha kuKristu usephenduke isidalwa esisha futhi unesimo sikaNkulunkulu. Intando kaNkulunkulu, eyayifihlelwe indalo endala, kodwa wembulwa ngomthetho kaMozisi, kubhalwe phezu kwe…

iphutha: Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe