Le sette chiese

Le sette chiese

Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars: she hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table (Proverbi 9:1-2) The seven churches Jesus has built His house upon the

remove your foot from evil

What does remove your foot from evil mean?

Nella Bibbia nei Proverbi 4:27, we read about not turning to the right hand nor to the left and removing your foot from evil. What does it mean to remove your foot from evil? Turn not to the

Cos'è il digiuno?

What is fasting in the Bible?

What about fasting in Christianity? Fasting and prayer belongs in the lives of Christians. Tuttavia, there are not many Christians, who fast regularly. This is mainly due to wrong doctrines about fasting. Because of false doctrines, many Christians have

Indossa l'uomo nuovo

Come indossare l'uomo nuovo?

In Efesini 4:24, Paolo scrisse di rivestire l'uomo nuovo. Perché se sei diventato una nuova creazione; l'uomo nuovo, mediante la fede e la rigenerazione in Cristo, Dovresti anche camminare come l'uomo nuovo. What does the

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