KuZaga 9:6 iZwi lithi asilahle iziwula siphile futhi sihambe endleleni yokuqonda. Kunezinhlobo ezimbili zokuhlakanipha kulo mhlaba; the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the…
Many people suffer from physical or mental illness and look for healing. Izikhathi eziningi, they look in the wrong places. One of these places is a Reiki practice. Abantu abaningi, kuhlanganise namaKristu, go to a Reiki therapist and are…
She hath sent forth her maidens: she cries upon the highest places of the city, Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wants understanding, she saith to him, Woza, eat of my bread, and drink…
Ukuhlakanipha kuyakhile indlu yakho, ubuzile izinsika zabo eziyisikhombisa: she hath killed her beasts; buxube iwayini labo; ulungise netafula lakhe (Izaga 9:1-2) The seven churches Jesus has built His house upon the…
Why did God say, thou shall not and why did Jesus say, thou shall? Esivumelwaneni Esidala, God had to deal with the old carnal man, who walks after the flesh and whose spirit is death. Since the…